Writing Nginx Redirects for WordPress

…the tip Michael! Here’s the entire updated block. server { listen 80; server_name olddomain.com www.olddomain.com; rewrite ^/.*\.html$ newdomain.com permanent; rewrite ^/blog/(.*)$ http://newdomain.com/$1 permanent; rewrite ^/blog http://newdomain.com permanent; rewrite ^ $scheme://newdomain.com$request_uri…

Automating WordPress with WP-CLI Aliases

…ssh: user@siteone.com path: /srv/www/siteone.com @sitetwo: ssh: user@sitetwo.com:2222 path: /srv/www/sitetwo.com @sitethree: ssh: user@sitethree.com path: /srv/www/sitethree.com @sitefour: ssh: user@sitefour.com path: /srv/www/sitefour.com @wpengine – @siteone – @sitetwo @spinupwp – @sitethree – @sitefour You…

Setting Up A Local WordPress Environment with Vagrant

…Vagrant The first thing you’ll need to do is download and install VirtualBox1 Then you’ll want to download and install the Vagrant package. At this point you could start spinning…

Easy Navigation

[purchase_link id=”26582″ text=”Download Now” style=”button” color=”blue”] A WordPress extension to help you get started building a custom navigation in your WordPress themes. http://www.giphy.com/gifs/3osBL8ZgN7pkue8t8Y This isn’t a plugin, this is a…

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