Writing Nginx Redirects for WordPress

…the tip Michael! Here’s the entire updated block. server { listen 80; server_name olddomain.com www.olddomain.com; rewrite ^/.*\.html$ newdomain.com permanent; rewrite ^/blog/(.*)$ http://newdomain.com/$1 permanent; rewrite ^/blog http://newdomain.com permanent; rewrite ^ $scheme://newdomain.com$request_uri…

Automating WordPress with WP-CLI Aliases

…ssh: user@siteone.com path: /srv/www/siteone.com @sitetwo: ssh: user@sitetwo.com:2222 path: /srv/www/sitetwo.com @sitethree: ssh: user@sitethree.com path: /srv/www/sitethree.com @sitefour: ssh: user@sitefour.com path: /srv/www/sitefour.com @wpengine – @siteone – @sitetwo @spinupwp – @sitethree – @sitefour You…

Setting Up A Local WordPress Environment with Vagrant

…VVV extra simple. To do that you’ll just need to run ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)” in Terminal. Once that is done installing we’ll be able to use the command…

Easy Navigation

[purchase_link id=”26582″ text=”Download Now” style=”button” color=”blue”] A WordPress extension to help you get started building a custom navigation in your WordPress themes. http://www.giphy.com/gifs/3osBL8ZgN7pkue8t8Y This isn’t a plugin, this is a…

Marketing a Shirt Online: My Experience with Cotton Bureau

…to throw an ad up as a Reddit post so I asked for feedback instead. It also helps to have a history of posting and commenting on the subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Cardinals/comments/63b4s2/minimal_cardinals_design_i_did_is_going_to_be_a/?ref=share&ref_source=link…

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