Getting to Know WordPress

…you to confidently journey deeper into WordPress. Kindle or iBooks user? You’re covered. With this purchase you’ll get an epub, mobi, and PDF allowing you to learn WordPress on any…

Tools and Techniques for Increasing Productivity

…of Stress-Free Productivity My productivity kick really started off with reading David Allen’s Getting Things Done: The Art of Stree-Free Productivity. It is worth a read. Even if you don’t…

Automatically Create Color Palettes in Gutenberg and the Customizer

…’editor-color-palette’ ); */ $gibby_color_palette = array(); foreach ( $gibby_color_options as $color ) { $gibby_color_palette[] = array( ‘name’ => $color[‘name’], ‘slug’ => $color[‘slug’], ‘color’ => esc_html( get_theme_mod( $color[‘option’], $color[‘default’] ) ),…

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